1、Annals of Neurology:新药为你找回记忆的拼图
2、Nature communication:中国科学家发现抗击H7N9禽流感病毒新抗体
7、辉瑞暂停在华疫苗业务 称中国药品审批太延后
1、研究显示,四分之一的麻醉止痛药被误用(One-Quarter of Narcotic Painkillers Misused, Study Shows)
2、孕期补充铁剂并不能明显改善母婴健康状况(Iron Supplements and Pregnant Women, Young Children)
3、扑热息痛治疗背部疼痛效果不理想(Paracetamol for back pain? It's no better than a placebo: Experts say treatment does nothing to improve recovery time, sleep or quality of life)
4、视频揭示很多人错误地使用牙线 教您1分钟内正确使用牙线(The video that reveals you've been flossing incorrectly your whole life - and how to do it easily in one MINUTE)
5、7成老板认为压力、焦虑、抑郁等都不是有效的请假借口(Seven in ten bosses believe stress, anxiety or depression are not valid excuses for time off - despite a 25% of employees suffering from mental illness at some point each year)
6、每周末去看电影可预防老年痴呆(A weekly trip to the cinema 'could ward off dementia')
7、研究警告:尽量避免食用原料奶(Steer Clear of Raw Milk, Researchers Warn)
8、研究:新方法检测唐氏综合征(Newer Test for Down Syndrome Called 'Major Advance')