
1、The FASEB J:计算机模型为你预测脂肪量
6、美女子标记自身缺陷 对抗社会苛刻要求


1、画内眼线易导致眼部感染和视力模糊(The dangers of using eyeliner: Applying make-up to the inside of the lid can trigger infections and blurred vision, doctors warn)
2、癌症患者服用鱼油或omega-3补充剂可降低化疗效果(Cancer patients who eat oily fish or take omega-3 supplements 'may become resistant to chemotherapy')
3、男子每天饮用冰红茶超过4升 引发肾衰竭(Man goes into kidney failure after drinking more than FOUR LITRES of iced tea a day)
4、看电视时间每增加1小时 患糖尿病风险增加3.4%(How watching TV can increase your risk of diabetes: Every hour spent slumped in front of the screen can raise chance of developing the condition by 3.4%)
5、一款可挽救生命的app 紧急情况可让救援人员及时到达(The app that could save your LIFE: Emergency service tells rescuers HOW to find and save you at the touch of a button)
6、数字指南针或可帮助盲人“重见光明”(Digital Compass Helps Blind Rats 'See')
7、包装食品含盐量一般较高(Packaged Grocery Foods Often High in Salt)
8、首个人体3D皮肤地图显示皮肤遍布化学残留物(Chemicals From Clothes, Beauty Products on Skin)