
4、疑似阑尾炎不再愁 AIR评分轻松搞定
7、美国癌症患者五年生存率为66% 中国仅30.9% 
8、研究称饮酒画面激发青少年饮酒 呼吁电影再分级


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2、顶级眼科医院呼吁眼科激光手术必须严格监管(The laser eye 'surgeons' with no real training: Experts want industry taken to task)
3、新型女性避孕套宣称每次都会为女性带来高潮(The new female condom which can 'make a woman orgasm every time' - and its makers say it will be 'better than using no condom at all')
4、阿尔兹海默症新突破:研究称找到该病的发病原因(Alzheimer's breakthrough as researchers say they may have discovered how disease is caused - and say it 'opens new doors' in search for a treatment)
5、严重打鼾、呼吸暂停或涉及早期脑部问题(Heavy Snoring, Apnea Tied to Earlier Brain Troubles)
6、抑郁症加上糖尿病可使患老年痴呆风险更高(Depression Plus Diabetes May Boost Dementia Risk)
7、父亲精子可为宝宝自闭症风险提供线索(Father's Sperm May Hold Clues to Autism Risk)
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