
5、白纹伊蚊是登革热“罪魁” 多清积水灭蚊虫
6、越甜的苹果越不健康 食物中的秘密你知道吗


1、跑步是廉价的运动? 130美元的的Adidas和19.99美元的Aldi究竟有何不同?(Would YOU run a marathon in £19.99 trainers? We pit Aldi's new bargain shoes against state-of-the art Adidas worth £130)
2、顶级心理学家揭秘长寿的秘诀:交朋友(Revealed, the simple secret to living to 100: No, not fancy diets or exercise - it's having FRIENDS, says a book by a top psychologist)
3、饮食习惯和洁癖导致西方国家过敏激增(Why our Western diets and obsession with cleanliness are to blame for the soaring number of allergies)
4、化疗药物导致癌症患者指纹消失(The woman whose fingerprints were ERASED: Cancer patient discovers common chemotherapy drug was to blame)
5、研究发现:贝多芬终身性耳聋由缺陷基因导致(Beethoven's deafness was 'caused by a faulty gene', say scientists who question if Eric Clapton, Phil Collins and Ozzy Osbourne are victims of same fate)
6、英媒:死亡成本上升 更高的火葬殡仪费用使葬礼升级(The rising cost of DEATH: Higher cremation charges and undertaker fees means the price of funerals has spiralled)
7、害怕打针?新设备可在60s内帮你克服恐惧(Terrified of needles? New device that cools and numbs the skin in 60 seconds could help millions overcome their fear of injections - and it's perfect for piercings and tattoos too)
8、思维敏捷是天生的 由基因决定(Quick thinkers are born not made: The speed at which we process new information is written in our genes)