4、常喝含糖饮料 增加心血管疾病风险
5、国际著名期刊Nature Communications连续发表我国科学家银屑病易感基因最新研究成果
7、大家动起来 体育锻炼或可降低酒精滥用风险
1、更年期的10个预警信号(10 warning signs of the menopause)
2、儿童长时间呆在室内 会毁坏视力健康(Too much time indoors damages children's eyes: Lack of natural sunlight thought to be driving up rates of short-sightedness among the young)
3、荷尔蒙替代疗法可增加女性患乳腺癌风险(HRT raises breast cancer risk up to EIGHT years after women stop taking it, scientists warn)
4、大麻使用者可能存在记忆错误问题(Marijuana users may have ‘false memories’: Brain scans reveal how cannabis smokers can live in their own reality)
5、个性化药物可彻底改变癌症疗法(Personalised drugs could revolutionise the war on cancer: New treatment uses body's immune system to recognise, attack and kill off cancerous cells)
6、为何耳鸣很难根治?(Why Ringing in the Ears May Be Hard to Treat)
7、乳腺癌患者:乳房切除还是肿瘤切除?(Breast Cancer Patients: Mastectomy vs. Lumpectomy)
8、美国大多数老年人每天服用阿司匹林(Majority of Older U.S. Adults Take Daily Aspirin)