1、苹果ResearchKit与谷歌Baseline Study两大医学研究项目侧重点有何不同?
5、补体影响肿瘤微环境 促进结肠癌肝转移
1、酗酒会使心脏病的风险增加70%(Binge drinking raises the risk of a heart attack by 70% - with spirits more dangerous than beer or wine)
2、厨房里最危险的东西是什么?(What's the most dangerous thing in YOUR kitchen? Tea towels and mobile phones riddled with bacteria, scientists warn)
3、在学校遭受欺凌的孩子更容易出现抑郁、焦虑、自残倾向(Being bullied is 'worse than child neglect or abuse': Youngsters tormented at school are much more likely to suffer anxiety, depression or self-harm)
4、离婚会对孩子身心健康带来严重影响(Divorce DOES affect teenagers: Those who live through a break-up are more likely to suffer headaches, loss of appetite and sleep problems)
5、锻炼可减轻化疗的痛苦(How exercise can make chemotherapy more bearable: Cancer patients who stay active suffer fewer side effects - and can tolerate higher doses of drugs)
6、母乳喂养可降低乳腺癌复发(Breastfeeding May Lower Breast Cancer Recurrence)
7、美国建议降低饮用水中氟含量(U.S. Lowers Recommended Fluoride Levels in Drinking Water)
8、肉食会时身体更健康吗?(Why Some Vegetarians Start Craving Meat)