
2、世界哮喘日 让我们追寻那些最畅销的明星药


1、你的床会让你生病?(Is your BED making you ill? Expert warns dust mites and germs living in our sheets cause asthma, hayfever, flu and food poisoning)
2、诺如病毒可通过空气传播(Norovirus can spread through the AIR rendering hospital infection measures useless, study warns)
3、每天服用阿司匹林可降低患宫颈癌风险(An aspirin a day could reduce your risk of cervical cancer, study finds)
4、动画揭示孕妇的器官如何运动以给宝宝腾出空间(Making room for baby: Animation reveals how a mother's lungs rise, intestines shift and bladder is squashed during pregnancy)
5、每天少喝一听碳酸饮料 患糖尿病风险降低25%(Cutting out one fizzy drink a day slashes diabetes risk by 25%: Replacing sugary beverages with unsweetened tea or coffee could combat epidemic)
6、长命百岁的秘诀是什么?(What's the secret to living to 100? Avoid cigarettes, stay slim and drink no more than four cups of coffee a day, scientists say)
7、他汀类药物会降低肺癌死亡风险(Can Statins Help Lower Lung Cancer Death Risk?)
8、多云天气会导致胰腺癌风险增加(Cloudy Climes May Up Risk of Pancreatic Cancer)