2、Stem Cell Report:干细胞移植治疗失明
4、Psychological Science:在多种语言环境中的孩子更善于与人交流
1、英媒揭秘有助于减肥的15种水果(Blueberries flush toxins, bananas curb appetite and an avocado a day keeps the calories away: The 15 fruits that will help you LOSE weight)
2、外媒:医生剖腹产手术后将手机落在产妇腹中(New mother claims doctor left his MOBILE PHONE inside her after delivering her baby... and she only realised when her stomach began VIBRATING)
3、每天一把核桃有助于缓解肠癌发展(A daily handful of WALNUTS can slow the growth of bowel cancer by 'reducing blood supply to tumours')
4、戒烟?你的大脑说的算(Trying to quit smoking? Your BRAIN may determine your success: Scans show those who manage to quit are 'wired' differently)
5、治疗抑郁症会增加中风风险?(Even Treated Depression May Raise Stroke Risk)
6、失眠症患者可能对疼痛更加敏感(Insomniacs May Be More Sensitive to Pain)
7、FDA将解除同性恋献血禁令(FDA Ready to Lift Ban on Blood Donation by Gay Men)
8、禁止医生过度医疗:不仅是一种浪费对患者也有害(Stop handing out so many drugs, doctors are warned: 'Over-treating' patients is wasting the NHS money and can cause harm)