2、Cell Host & Microbe:婴儿期抗生素使用或导致成年期患多种疾病
4、公立医院改革取消药品加成 医院药收入占比降30%
5、六成人不知"控烟令"实施日 委员建议:禁止广告宣传烟草
7、细数各国政要的健身之道 奥巴马爱有氧运动
1、怀孕对女性身体有何影响?(From head to toe, the dozens of different ways pregnancy changes the body: Breathlessness, red palms and unsightly veins - and that's on TOP of gaining 2.5st)
2、人工甜味剂对身体究竟有害吗?(Is sweetener hidden in 6,000 products a danger to your health? As Pepsi drop aspartame in America - yet keep it in YOUR drinks - scientists insist it's totally safe)
3、研究:某些防晒霜防晒作用被夸大(The sun creams that DON'T give the protection they promise: Two of Britain's biggest brands 'offer only two-thirds of the level on the label')
4、早更可降低心房纤颤的风险(Early Menopause Tied to Lower Risk of AFib)
5、睡眠量也会影响中风风险(Sleep Amount May Up Stroke Risk for Some)
6、睡眠不足? 看看每晚睡眠时间6小时如何影响容貌(What six hours sleep a night does to your face - the unique experiment that reveals how having two hours less than the recommended eight can ravage your skin)
7、橙汁可提高记忆力(Could orange juice boost memory? Older people who drank a pint a day saw 'impressive' improvements in brain function)
8、男性也应该积极进行骨质疏松疾病筛查(Men Should Be Screened for Osteoporosis, Too)