
1、Journal of Neuroscience: 大脑如何调节记忆力和情绪
2、The Annals of Thoracic Surgery:转移性肺癌的多模式治疗可提高患者生存率
4、PLoS ONE:惊人发现!精子的运动性基因和个体身高直接相关
6、结肠癌术后辅助治疗:疗效 or 低毒?
8、心理门诊求诊者 1/3是高考考生


1、2型糖尿病是由肠道细菌引起的?(Is type 2 diabetes caused by BACTERIA in the gut? Toxins trigger insulin resistance and high blood sugar levels, study finds)
2、科学家找到引发精神分裂症的有利证据(Scientists produce strongest evidence yet of schizophrenia's causes)
3、类风湿性关节炎治疗早期试验成功(Early clinical trial success for new rheumatoid arthritis treatment)
4、推理能力强者大脑灰质多(High levels of moral reasoning correspond with increased gray matter in brain)
6、糖尿病患者长期控制好血糖可有助于保护心脏(Years of good blood sugar control helps diabetic hearts, study finds)
7、吃饭玩手机或看电视会使你发胖(Eating dinner in front of the TV or while using a smartphone makes us FAT - because we're more likely to snack later on)
8、补充维生素D和钙并不能缓解更年轻症状(Vitamin D, Calcium Don't Reduce Menopause Symptoms)