
2、FDA 对女性「伟哥」氟立班丝氨引起的昏厥表示担忧
3、韩国 MERS 疫情持续失控 已蔓延到首都圈以外
5、我国MERS接触者已全部找到 韩国现第三例死亡病例


1、母亲孕期出现精神问题 宝宝抑郁症风险增加3倍(Could depression start in the WOMB? Children of mothers suffering mental illness in pregnancy are 'three times more likely to develop the condition')
2、海水可缓解花粉过敏?(Could SEA WATER ease your hayfever?)
3、癌症超越心脏病 成为英国男性头号杀手(Cancer now killing more men than heart disease: Illness becomes primary cause of deaths for first time since 1960)
4、人类抗击肺结核新希望(New hope in the fight against tuberculosis)
5、只要一滴血 新技术就可揭示你的病毒感染史(http://medicalxpress.com/news/2015-06-viral-infection-history-blood.html)
6、美国青少年眼中取出3cm虫子(Horrific video shows teenager having 3cm WORM lured out of his eye - that had been there for a MONTH)
7、血型也会影响认知能力(Links found between blood type and risk of cognitive decline)
8、研究发现孕期高血压新型治疗方式(New treatment hope for pregnant women with high blood pressure)