1、韩一名MERS患者隐瞒曾到过疫情医院 接触900余人
5、能测血糖的隐形眼镜,可不只 Google X 在做
6、Nat Commun:治疗骨质疏松的新疗法
1、服用他汀类药物会造成流鼻血吗?(ASK THE DOCTOR: Could taking statins be to blame for my nosebleeds?)
2、夏季常面临的8个健康问题以及如何解决(Revealed... eight summer health problems and how YOU can fix them)
3、鱼油可缓解干眼症 减少炎症促进血液循环(Dry 'computer eyes' soothed by fish oil pill: Supplement thought to help by reducing inflammation and promoting circulation)
4、夏季是怀孕的最佳时机(Trying for a baby? Summer 'is the best time to conceive', say scientists as they discover sperm is more active in July and August)
5、母亲用过世女儿冻卵代孕产孙一案败诉(Mother loses High Court battle to use her dead daughter's frozen eggs to give birth to her own grandchild)
6、气候变化可影响新生儿体重(Is climate change affecting birth weights? )
7、母乳喂养有利于后代牙齿健康(Breast-Feeding May Have Dental Benefits for Kids)
8、动物实验表明:基因疗法有助于治疗帕金森病(Gene therapy prevents Parkinson's disease in animal model)