
1、Current biology:为什么总睡不够?可能是基因问题
2、Sci Trans med:瑞典科学家发现男性不育新机制
3、Plos one:饮食中反式脂肪酸使人健忘


1、肠道微生物有助于减肥?(Could a Microbe in Your Gut Help You Lose Weight?)
2、穿着紧身牛仔裤久蹲会导致腿部肌肉、神经损伤(Skinny Jeans Took a Tight Toll on This Lady's Legs)
3、许多老烟民会有未确诊肺病(Many Smokers May Have Undiagnosed Lung Disease)
4、研究揭示:多个基因变异和胰腺癌风险增加有关(Study identifies multiple genetic changes linked to increased pancreatic cancer risk)
5、研究表明:人类对自己的相貌认知有偏差(Photo selection study reveals we don't look like we think we look)
6、果汁可损害牙齿健康(How trendy juice diets are ruining our TEETH: Dental damage is 'soaring' due to sugar and acid in the drinks eroding away enamel)
7、服用伟哥会引发皮肤癌?(Could Viagra trigger skin cancer? Erectile dysfunction drugs linked to melanoma, study reveals)
8、服用可卡因增加感染艾滋病毒风险(Taking cocaine 'increases risk of catching HIV': Drug attacks the immune system making users more vulnerable to deadly virus, study finds)