6、Scientific Reports: 胰腺癌患者的福音
7、又见鼻部皮损 这次是啥病?
8、韩国推抗击MERS举措 要求医院追踪急诊病房探视人员
1、规律运动有助于帕金森症患者提高生活质量(Exercise Benefits People With Parkinson's Disease)
2、记忆、思维测试:预知阿尔兹海默症风险(Memory, Thinking Tests: Hints to Alzheimer's Risk?)
3、专家揭示提高生育技巧秘诀(Trying to get pregnant? Orgasm before your partner, ditch the lattes and banish cling film... expert reveals top tips to boost your fertility)
4、维生素B12可引发痘痘问题(Suffering acne? Lay off the Marmite and go vegan! Vitamin B12 triggers breakouts, study reveals)
5、抗癌药物使果蝇寿命延长(Cancer drug makes fruit flies live longer)
6、过敏症状夜间加重 三分之二患者夜间平均丧失1小时睡眠(Why hayfever gets worse as you go to bed: Two-thirds of sufferers battle symptoms at night losing an hour's sleep on average)
7、图片惊人揭示腕带窝藏的细菌是衣服的20倍(Shocking images reveal how a Glastonbury wristband could 'harbour 20 TIMES more bacteria than clothes')
8、科学家通过改造奶牛饮食 发明“健康牛奶”(Full fat milk without the saturates: Scientists develop new kind of 'healthy milk' by changing cows' diet)