
4、COPD 患者需警惕幽门螺旋杆菌感染
5、儿童用药迎来大利好 市场潜力巨大
8、消除MERS影响 首尔拟在华投广告


1、不是所有的加工食物都有害健康(Not ALL processed food is bad for you! Ditch the ready meals but stock up on tinned tomatoes and frozen fruit, says leading dietitian)
2、柑橘类水果可增加患黑色素瘤风险(Is there a link between orange juice and SKIN CANCER? 'Citrus fruits may increase the risk of melanoma', study declares)
3、身体健康是保持大脑健康的关键(A Healthy Body Often Equals a Healthy Brain)
4、免疫治疗药物对抗癌症显示成效(Immune Drugs Show Promise Against More Cancers)
5、高脂饮食可缓解线粒体病(A high-fat diet may alleviate mitochondrial disease)
6、女性排卵期脸会变红 但人眼观测不到(Women's faces get redder at ovulation, but human eyes can't pick up on it)
7、研究揭示:骨蛋白对骨骼干细胞的影响(Women's faces get redder at ovulation, but human eyes can't pick up on it)
8、埃博拉重返利比里亚:少年死亡是利比里亚宣布疫情结束6周后首个病例(Ebola returns to Liberia: Teenager's death marks the first case in more than 6 weeks after the nation was declared disease-free)