5、【说图】 睡眠不足的危害
6、孤独症儿童早期干预 2 年后即可获益
1、CDC:美国癌症死亡率下降(Your Risk of Dying From Cancer Is Falling: CDC)
2、自闭症儿童对气味反应不同(Kids with Autism Respond Differently to Smells)
3、小睡可提高工作效率(Naps May Boost Worker Productivity)
4、每天两杯蔓越莓汁可减少中风、心脏病、糖尿病风险(How two glasses of cranberry juice a day could cut your risk of stroke, heart disease and diabetes)
5、漱油对健康有益吗?(Oil-Pulling: Can Swishing Oil in Your Mouth Improve Your Health?)
6、顶尖医生揭示快速、无痛分娩的秘诀(The secret to a quick, painless childbirth? Just don't think about it and ban your partner from the room, leading doctor claims)
7、超重癌症患者存活期较长?(How being obese could help you FIGHT cancer: Overweight patients survive up to three months longer than thinner peers, 'surprising' study reveals)
8、去美国做胸部整形?结果可能会让你失望 医生眼中的完美乳房各国不同(What nationality are your BREASTS? Plastic surgeons' preferences vary depending on where they live... with the US opting for big nipples, the French favouring a smaller bust and Indians choosing a buxom chest)