2、Plos medicine:抗糖尿病药物降低帕金森病风险得到人群验证
3、Nature Medicine: 免疫疗法带来治愈血癌新希望
1、白内障手术将终结?新型眼药水可溶解混浊物(Is this the end of cataract operations? New eye drops dissolve the deposits that cause cloudy vision)
2、阿尔兹海默症:科学家发现可延缓病程恶化新药(Major Alzheimer's breakthrough as scientists unveil new drug that slows progression of the disease by 30%)
3、“地图”揭示散步消耗多少卡路里(How many calories can YOU burn walking between Tube stops? New map shows exactly how much energy you will use)
4、准父母通过B超扫描发现宝宝像恐龙(It's a tricera-TOT! Parents-to-be are amazed as their baby's scan looks just like a dinosaur)
5、熬夜一晚就会破坏生物钟基因(Just ONE night of bad sleep can alter your genes: Pulling an all-nighter damages the DNA in our biological clocks, claims study)
6、掌握心肺复苏术可以挽救更多人生命(Immediate Bystander CPR Saves Lives: Study)
7、国外研究发现:针灸确实有效 可减轻压力缓解抑郁(How acupuncture 'really can ease pain': Ancient Chinese art can have genuine benefits and could reduce stress and potentially depression, research suggests)
8、美政府工作报告:15-19岁青少年发生性行为比例较25年前下降(U.S. Teens Waiting Longer to Have Sex: CDC)