
1、美国爆发特大耐药菌感染 消化内镜到底该怎么洗
5、随访长达 30 年的心肌病 你见过吗?
6、我国乳腺癌发病年龄明显前移 约比国外早10年
7、扒一扒淋巴瘤那些事 发病率连万分之一都不到
8、专家给出“从口到肠”七种防癌攻略 戒烟戒酒被多次提及


1、黑色素瘤:激光皮肤试验可替代活检?(Could Laser Skin Test Replace Biopsy For Melanoma?)
2、新研究:磁波刺激可有效缓解尿床(New study indicates magnetic stimulation effective in reducing bed-wetting)
3、缺乏维生素D易致干眼症(Low vitamin D tied to dry eye syndromes)
4、世界三分之一大型枪击案发生在美国(One-Third of Mass Shootings Worldwide Occur in U.S.)
5、母乳喂养可将化学污染物传递给宝宝(Breast-Feeding May Pass Common Chemical to Baby, Study Shows)
6、早上一杯热柠檬水会毁坏牙齿(How your morning glass of hot water with lemon - favoured by the likes of Gwyneth and Jen - could be ruining your teeth)
7、成千上万女性实施不必要的乳腺癌手术(Thousands of breast cancer patients have debilitating surgery 'needlessly' for early form of tumours which won't harm them)
8、清洗过的蔬菜仍含有90%细菌 可引发食物中毒(What's lurking in YOUR salad? Experts warn prewashed spinach still contains 90% of its bacteria and can cause food poisoning)