1、史上最严广告法今起实施 今后明星不得代言医药广告
4、关注 l 人类死因构成:心血管疾病始终是NO.1
6、3 个问答助你理清肠梗阻与液平面的关系
8、Lancet Neurol:阿尔茨海默病预防有多难?
1、声音冲击波有助于缓解心绞痛?(Blast of sound can heal a dicky ticker: Shockwaves may help improve blood flow for angina patients)
2、英国医生警告:需警惕糖尿病悄然降临(Why you could have diabetes and not know it: Doctors warn five million Britons are at risk - and it's not just the overweight who should worry)
3、睡眠不足更易患感冒(Too Little Sleep May Quadruple Your Risk for Colds)
4、中风小鼠服用抗抑郁药可提高运动和协调能力(Research in mice shows potential value of antidepressant in some stroke victims)
5、Newser:大麻可治疗骨折(Marijuana Helps Heal Broken Bones)
6、规律进餐让饮食更健康(Regular Meal Times Make Eating Healthier Seem Easier)
7、母乳有助于降低患多发性硬化症女性疾病复发概率(Moms Who Breastfeed Less Likely to Have MS Relapse?)
8、婴儿出生长度可预示妈妈乳腺癌风险(Long babies linked to breast cancer risk: Length at birth indicates a high exposure to certain hormones in the womb)