
4、内分泌故事 | 反复低钾血症的幕后推手
6、超时工作成常态 医生能否建“时间银行”?
8、治愈率约60% 专家带你正确认识淋巴瘤


1、异常出血、性交痛……揭示5种妇科癌症预警信号(How embarrassing symptoms down below could be deadly CANCER: From unusual bleeding to pain during sex... we reveal the signs of the 5 female cancers)
2、中年肥胖 老年更易患阿尔兹海默症(Being obese or overweight in middle age 'speeds up the onset of Alzheimer's in later life')
3、廉价药物安体舒通可用于治疗高血压(Persistent high blood pressure could be cured by 'dirt cheap' drug that's been around for 50 years, doctors discover)
4、被中年女性忽视的妇科癌症(The women dying of embarrassment: Middle-aged 'ignoring symptoms of womb cancer' because they fear being seen as promiscuous)
5、咖啡可增加高血压患者心脏病风险(Could Coffee Up Heart Risks for Some With High BP?)
6、CDC:美国吸烟率降至15%(U.S. Smoking Rate Falls to 15 Percent: CDC)
7、工作狂注意:只工作不玩耍会损害健康(Could All Work and No Play Hurt Your Health?)
8、FDA:纯咖啡粉会对健康造成严重威胁(Pure Powdered Caffeine a Serious Health Risk: FDA)