1、做好秋季腹泻预防工作 让宝宝安然度一凉秋
6、报告称全球超重人口达19亿 肥胖危害甚于吸烟
7、大学军训屡发猝死 提前做适应训练很重要
8、中国预防艾滋病等传播成果显著 获联合国儿基会赞扬
1、为何咖啡使人清醒? 高剂量咖啡会产生时差效应(Revealed, why coffee keeps us awake: High levels of caffeine 'produce the same effect as jet lag' - making the body think it's a whole time zone behind)
2、3岁女孩因太胖患上2型糖尿病(The obese THREE-year-old who has type 2 diabetes: 5st girl from Texas is thought to be youngest ever case of the disease)
3、青少年服用抗抑郁药帕罗西汀不安全(Antidepressant Paxil Isn't Safe for Teens, New Analysis Says)
4、当你放弃牛奶后 身体会产生的7种神奇反应(7 Amazing Things That Happen to Your Body When You Give Up Milk)
5、经常失眠是你的DNA在作怪?(Could Insomnia Be in Your DNA?)
6、抗抑郁药会使人变得更加暴力?(Could antidepressants make you violent? Young people who take drugs including Prozac are '50% more likely to be convicted of assault and murder')
7、哪种茶最适合你? 茉莉花茶增加性欲 柠檬姜茶缓解晨吐(Which teas are best for YOUR health? Jasmine boosts your libido, lemon and ginger ease morning sickness, while nettle helps combat hayfever, expert reveals)
8、并不是所有器官年龄都一样(Not all organs age alike)