
1、GSK 哮喘药物 Mepolizumab 近日将获欧盟批准
3、屠呦呦获奖领域——疟疾 与文化和历史的纠缠
4、7类衣服让你穿出一身病 看完赶紧扔掉!


1、更年期妇女频繁出现热潮红可能和心脏病有关(Frequent Hot Flashes Linked to Heart Disease Risk)
2、医用大麻治疗慢性疼痛是安全的(Medical Marijuana Seems Safe for Chronic Pain)
3、减肥手术后自杀风险增加(Suicide Risk May Rise for Some After Weight-Loss Surgery)
4、帮助你的孩子获得最佳睡眠(Help Your Child Get a Good Night's Sleep)
5、青少年睡前发短信危害健康(Bedtime Texting May Be Hazardous to Teens' Health)
6、专家揭示11种缓解宿醉头痛方式(Why DO hangovers give you a headache and how can you banish them? From bone broth to pickle juice, experts reveal 11 ways to ease the pain)
7、专家揭示巧克力牛奶胜过运动保健饮料的原因(Trying to give up sugary drinks? Experts reveal the best alternatives - and why chocolate milk is better than a sports drink)
8、胎儿16周就可听到音乐 视频揭示胎儿在子宫内唱歌(Amazing video shows babies 'SINGING' in the womb: Foetus can 'hear music as early as 16 weeks - and moves their mouth and tongue in response')