
1、OGTT 结果全是数字怎么解:8 个结果来说明
4、前人吸烟 后人哮喘:祖母吸烟增加子孙哮喘风险


1、手术会增加黑色素瘤晚期患者生存率(Surgery May Raise Survival With Advanced Melanoma)
2、胡萝卜有助于对抗眼睛衰老(Carrots Do Help Aging Eyes, Study Shows)
3、1/8美国儿童没有接种麻疹疫苗(1 in 8 U.S. Kids Not Protected Against Measles)
4、生育专家揭秘受孕的最佳体位(Revealed... the best sex positions to get pregnant - and it's best when he's on top, says fertility expert)
5、从黑眼圈到便秘 医生揭示身体健康亮红灯的9种迹象(What's YOUR body trying to tell you? From brittle nails to dark circles and constipation, doctor reveals the 9 signs something's up with your health)
6、DNA测试可揭示同性恋倾向 准确率高达70%(The DNA test 'that reveals if you're gay': Genetic code clue is 70% accurate, claim scientists)
7、青豆、玉米等食物可预防癌症和大脑衰老(Eat peas and blue cheese to 'stave off cancer': Compound 'makes your body clock YOUNGER - and could also protect against Alzheimer's and Parkinson's')
8、维生素D是人体必需的最重要的营养素(Vitamin D May Be the Most Important Nutrient You Need)