2、Cell Rep:科学家发布干细胞研究新亮点
3、PLoS ONE:牛机体的病毒如何引发人类乳腺癌的发生?
7、医疗大数据的正确打开方式—— 什么样公司会赚钱?
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4、食物心理学:性格阴暗的人嗜食苦味食物和饮料(Enjoy coffee or a gin and tonic? You could be a psychopath: People with dark personalities prefer bitter foods and drinks)
5、烘培咖啡可导致不可逆肺损伤? 加热咖啡豆过程会释放有毒化学物质(Could roasting coffee trigger irreversible lung damage? Heating the beans releases toxic chemicals, investigation reveals)
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