1、中国超7亿人暴露在二手烟危害中 近2亿为儿童
6、工资低环境差 英国数万名医生街头抗议
1、大麻有助于器官移植患者减轻排斥反应(Could CANNABIS help transplant patients? Drug 'delays rejection of organs by slowing the immune system's attack')
2、告别义齿:人类将来或可像热带鱼一样再生牙齿(Say goodbye to dentures: Humans could one day regrow their own teeth by copying the behaviour of a tropical fish)
3、想要当爸爸?或许你应该裸睡、穿四角裤(Why men trying to conceive should wear boxers and sleep naked: Loose underwear found to reduce sperm damage by 25% compared to tight pants)
4、为什么用肥皂洗澡反而会有害健康?(Why showering with soap could be HARMING your health: Chemicals strip away the bacteria that keep us free from acne and eczema, expert claims)
5、大黄碎饼有助于抗癌? 大黄素甲醚可杀死肿瘤细胞(Could rhubarb crumble help fight cancer? Orange-coloured compound in vegetable kills tumours cells)
6、孕妇体重增长过多 宝宝日后更易超重(Kids More Likely to Be Overweight If Mom Gains Too Much in Pregnancy or After)
7、英媒揭秘用药的常见错误及如何避免(Stop! You're taking your medicine the wrong way: Are you still sniffing after using nasal spray, keeping your eyes open after using drops, or cutting HRT patches in half?)
8、研究显示:出生顺序对性格的影响很小(Birth order has only very small effects on personality, study shows)