1、浙江流感进入高发季 主要病毒株是甲型H3N2
6、美国首次批准“女性伟哥”上市 副作用饱受争议
8、患者百度质疑美国医生 先上百度再看医生对不对
1、血液测试或可检测阿尔兹海默症(A simple blood test may detect Alzheimer’s disease)
2、一抗癌药物可治疗帕金森病(Cancer Drug Shows Promise Against Parkinson's)
3、研究发现:男女心脏衰老方式不同(Male and female hearts grow old in different ways, researchers find)
4、孕期高血压易致新生儿心脏缺陷(High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy Tied to Newborn Heart Defects)
5、出生顺序决定性格?绝非如此(Study Challenges Theory That Birth Order Determines Personality)
6、卵子捐献者并非越年轻越好(Good Results From IVF Egg Donors Over Age 35)
7、夫妻一方肥胖 另一伴肥胖几率翻倍(Another reason marriage is bad for your waistline: If your spouse gains weight 'your risk of obesity DOUBLES')
8、随手扔掉的香蕉皮是“超级食品”?有助舒缓情绪(Is banana SKIN the new 'superfood'? Peel is packed with nutrients and vitamins that 'can aid weight-loss and boost your mood' )