
2、这14位青年才俊可能改变未来医疗 漂亮的不象实力派
3、年底布局100个城市 阿里健康启动未来药店合伙人计划
4、警惕 抗菌药物应用的五大「雷区」
5、心电图 ST 段读图四步法


1、帕金森症患者具有独特气味?(Could Unique Smell Pinpoint Parkinson's?)
2、维生素B有助于抵御皮肤癌(B Vitamin May Help Ward Off Some Skin Cancers)
3、如何在10天减掉5%的身体脂肪?(How to lose 5% body fat 10 days: Drink ginseng tea, lift heavy weights and DON'T bother with cardio, says personal trainer)
4、41岁乳腺癌晚期患者 拒绝化疗饮用尿液对抗癌症(Mother, 41, with advanced breast cancer REFUSES chemotherapy in favour of drinking her own urine, homoeopathy and a psychic surgeon to try and cure herself)
5、羽衣甘蓝可致腹胀、甲状腺问题和心脏问题(The truth about KALE: It's abundant in vitamins and minerals - but experts warn it can cause bloating, thyroid problems and even heart problems...)
6、婴儿期接触二手烟可损害牙齿健康(Secondhand Smoke in Infancy May Harm Kids' Teeth)
7、人类究竟有几种感觉?(How many senses do humans really have?)
8、FDA批准新型治疗胰腺癌药物(FDA approves new pancreatic cancer drug)