2、日本研制出世界最细人工血管 有望用脑和心脏血管搭桥手术
3、人类外显子最大数据库公布 为医学遗传疾病检验提供支持
5、心衰慢阻肺水肿 手把手教你氧气应该怎么吸
1、核桃可预防心脏病 一天两把核桃可降低胆固醇(Could WALNUTS prevent heart attack? Two handfuls a day 'lowers cholesterol and helps prevent heart disease')
2、食物对每个人的血糖影响不同(Foods May Affect Each Person's Blood Sugar Differently, Study Suggests)
3、FDA批准抗胰腺癌新药(FDA Approves New Pancreatic Cancer Drug)
4、儿童呼吸道感染的潜在治疗方法(Potential Treatment for Kids' Respiratory Infection)
5、25%男性会有生理期(One in four men 'suffer MAN PERIODS': Time of the month triggers cramps, irritability, cravings and erratic emotions)
6、10种效果惊人的排毒茶(10 Amazing Detox Teas)
7、每天一片阿司匹林可预防癌症(Could an aspirin a day keep CANCER at bay? 'Exciting' discovery reveals the drug 'stalls the driving force of the disease, a chemical that causes tumours to form')
8、光照疗法可有效治疗抑郁症(Can light therapy cure depression as well as SAD? Just 30 minutes a day found to be effective treatment for low mood)