1、加拿大出现耐药性超级细菌 目前尚无死亡病例
4、女医生连续手术16个小时 累到席地而眠
5、对付多重耐药菌 抗菌药物可以超说明书使用了
6、有图有真相:搞定麻醉配液 只需 5 个小技巧
7、男护士比例不足2% 男生学护理就业率近乎100%
1、避孕药的真相:是否会导致肥胖?能否常年服用?(The truth about the Pill: Does it make you fat and should you take it for years? Read our definitive guide)
2、10种可以提高免疫力的食物(Revealed... the 10 foods YOU should be eating now to boost your immune system and ward off colds and flu)
3、运动是前列腺癌患者的良药(Brisk walk may be the best medicine for prostrate cancer: Gym sessions could be prescribed by the NHS for patients if study proves exercise can keep disease in check)
4、2016年新超级食物:黑布丁(2016's new superfood? Black pudding: Breakfast staple loaded with protein, iron and potassium set to fly off the shelves)
5、太多“好”胆固醇对身体也有害?(Why having too much 'good' cholesterol can actually be BAD for you)
6、怀孕前12周服用抗抑郁药会增加宝宝出生缺陷风险(Antidepressant 'DOES increase your baby's risk of birth defects if taken in first 12 weeks of pregnancy')
7、谈话治疗可有效帮你克服看牙医的恐惧(Talk Therapy to Tackle Fear of the Dentist)
8、8种常见的饮食误区(The 8 biggest diet mistakes we ALL make, from eating too many nuts and seeds to avoiding fats and weighing ourselves daily)