
7、德国男子研发“输精管开关” 帮男士免结扎之苦


1、早更会导致抑郁?(Can Early Menopause Trigger Depression Later?)
2、他汀类药物可降低心脏病和睡眠呼吸暂停症风险(Statins May Reduce Heart Risks Linked to Sleep Apnea: Study)
3、科学家揭示:可以被遗传的22种癌症(Revealed... 22 cancers that ARE inherited - as scientists discover your overall risk 'increases 33% if a sibling is diagnosed')
4、在大家庭长大的孩子在学校的表现差强人意?(Having a big family makes your children either badly behaved or low achievers at school, study claims)
5、全球濒临阿尔兹海默症大流行边缘('The world is on the brink of an Alzheimer's epidemic': By 2050, 106 MILLION people will be battling the debilitating condition, expert warns)
6、长期缺乏睡眠更易患阿尔兹海默症?(How a lack of sleep can increase YOUR risk of dementia: Lack of rest 'prevents the brain clearing out toxins that trigger Alzheimer's')
7、睡姿不对易导致做恶梦(Do YOU sleep like this? Why this bedtime position will lead to nightmares)
8、调查:爱发表情的人 大脑总是想着性?(Use a lot of emoji? You've got sex on the brain! People who send the most icons have the raciest thoughts and the winky face is the flirtiest)