2、早期诊断应力性骨折:MRI 更实用
5、American Journal of Clinical Nutrition:高胆固醇饮食、吃鸡蛋不会增加心脏病发作风险
8、美国少年糖霜蛋糕庆生 吹蜡烛引起火焰险毁容
1、心脏病学家:脂肪是最好的药(The truth about fat and sugar: Cardiologist explains why FAT is the best medicine - and why it's so crucial to our health)
2、吃早餐加快新陈代谢还是有助于减肥?(Should you eat breakfast? Does it really kick start your metabolism or will skipping it help you lose weight?)
3、服用消化不良治疗药物将老年迟到风险增加50%(Indigestion pills taken by millions 'could raise the risk of dementia by 50%')
4、揭示不同的胸部类型 帮助你更好地选择内衣(What shape are YOUR breasts? The seven different chest types - including Teardrops, East Wests and the Side Set - that will help you find the right style of bra)
5、卫星图像可预测癌症? 人工照明增加患乳腺癌和肥胖风险(Could satellite images predict rates of cancer? Artificial light at night 'increases the risk of diseases including breast cancer and obesity')
6、性生活多的女性患口腔癌风险较低(Women who have more sex have LESS risk of oral cancer say scientists)
7、胖人眼中的世界大不同?超重者眼中的距离更远 山更难爬(How fat people see the world differently: Being overweight makes distances look further away and hills harder to climb)
8、工作中注意力难以集中? 可能是“认知疲劳”在作祟(Do YOU struggle to stay focused at work? You may have 'cognitive fatigue': Alertness levels drop every HOUR as the day goes on)