3、Lancet Oncol:抗击癌症恶病质,我们在路上
8、大盘点:6 种铂类化疗药的对比
1、北京最牛的医院都在这啦 北医三院综合评价排名第一
1、美日前完成首例子宫移植术(Surgeons Perform First U.S. Uterus Transplant)
2、CDC:美9名孕妇感染寨卡病毒(Zika Found in 9 U.S. Pregnancies, Outcomes Often Severe: CDC)
3、研究发现 阴道分娩可使尿失禁风险略微上升(Urinary Incontinence Risk Rises Slightly After Vaginal Birth, Study Finds)
4、调查发现 大部分家长忽视流感疫苗的价值(Many Parents Downplay Value of Flu Shot, Poll Finds)
5、室内摆放绿色植物可净化空气、缓解压力、改善心情(The prescription for a healthy life? A house plant! Indoor greenery boosts mood, reduces stress and cleans the air around us)
6、6个简单步骤 患阿尔兹海默症风险降低60%(The six simple steps that can cut your risk of dementia by 60% - and it's a lot easier than you think)
7、站着办公更有效率?(Standing at your desk at work is like 'training for a marathon' - but you'll be more productive and have more energy if you do)
8、到2060年 前列腺癌死亡率将会增加30%(Deaths from prostate cancer could soar by 30% unless urgent action is taken to tackle late diagnosis and poor treatment)