1、ACS 251:阿尔茨海默症老人食用蓝莓可改善认知功能
3、Lancet neurol:一图读懂如何战胜老年痴呆
4、男性不育尽早治疗 还需警惕代谢疾病
5、Nat Genetics: 肥胖也会遗传?
6、每周 1 片阿司匹林持续 6 年可有效预防结直肠癌
1、牛油果、椰子油、蛋黄……常吃高脂食物有助于减肥(Eat FAT to lose weight: From avocado to coconut oil and egg yolk, expert reveals the top 10 fats to add to your diet NOW)
2、肥胖女性患哮喘风险较高(Obesity Linked to Higher Asthma Risk in Women)
3、抑郁症会对整个身体产生影响(Here's More Evidence That Depression Affects The Entire Body)
4、多动症药物可降低孩子骨密度(ADHD Meds Tied to Lower Bone Density in Kids)
5、6种不应该在微波炉加热的食物(6 Things You Shouldn’t Reheat in the Microwave)
6、更多证据表明寨卡可引起婴儿小头症(Yet more evidence of a 'strong' link between the Zika virus and microcephaly, experts warn)
7、科学家找到治愈失明的方法(Have scientists found a cure for the leading cause of blindness? Pioneering stem cell op 'could bring back sight for millions')
8、据说一个切西红柿的视频竟可缓解压力?(Is this video of a TOMATO being sliced the ultimate cure for stress? Slow-motion clip of the fruit being cut up in reverse goes viral as viewers claim it helps them to 'relax')