
1、问题疫苗大部分已被使用 很多流向农村接种点
4、儿科疾病诊断 你不可不知的 32 项血液指标
5、看完这篇就赶上主任啦 | 解读血常规(高阶版)
8、澳门养老服务独具特色 “老”在澳门是一种福气




1、揭示糖对人体的危害(Revealed, your body on sugar: From weakening the immune system to triggering thrush, this terrifying tool reveals exactly how the white stuff harms our health)
2、男性不可忽视的9种症状('Macho' men are more likely to die young because they refuse to go to the doctor: Here, we reveal the 9 symptoms no man should EVER ignore)
3、孕前每天2杯咖啡会增加流产风险(Drinking 2 cups of coffee a day before conception 'increases the risk of miscarriage')
4、南瓜子、椰汁、樱桃……9种食物帮你获得优质睡眠(From pumpkin seeds to coconut water and cherries, we reveal the 9 foods and nutrients that will help you sleep better)
5、心脏病患者越来越年轻化(Heart attack patients are getting YOUNGER and fatter: Sufferers know the risks but simply ignore them)
6、适当补充维生素C可预防白内障(Healthy Vitamin C Amount Might Prevent Cataracts)
7、白天嗜睡或午睡时间过长对心脏伤害较大(Daytime Sleepiness, Long Naps Tied to Heart Risks)
8、子宫内膜异位症患者想要了解的12个真相(12 Things People With Endometriosis Want You To Know)