1、2016 世界卫生日~“应对糖尿病,我们需要更多的行动”
2、李克强主持召开国务院常务会议 确定2016年深化医药卫生体制改革重点
4、Front Aging Neurosci:模拟运动或可改善阿尔兹海默氏症患者的病情
6、不可思议:阿司匹林在妇产科的 9 大神奇应用
8、女子北京酒店遭拖拽 公安大学教授传授高喊求助诀窍
1、每天吃水果有益心脏健康(Fruit Every Day Might Help Your Heart)
2、过度悲伤可能会扰乱心脏节律(Grief May Trigger Heart Rhythm Trouble)
3、8个简单步骤摆脱心脏病(Say bye-bye to bacon and stub out your cigarettes... we reveal the 8 simple steps YOU can take to ward off heart disease)
4、究竟需要锻炼多久才可以消耗掉你吃进去的食物?(Almost an hour for a Snickers, but only 20 minutes for an apple: Labels should tell you how much exercise will burn off your food to help tackle obesity crisis, says expert)
5、报告:1980年起 世界糖尿病人口翻了两番(Diabetes Cases Quadruple Worldwide Since 1980: Report)
6、睡前最好的和最坏的30种食物(The 30 Best and Worst Foods To Eat Before Sleep)
7、女性比男性更易死于严重心脏病(Women Twice as Likely to Die From Severe Heart Attack, Study Finds)
8、FDA:2型糖尿病药物可能引起心力衰竭风险(FDA: 2 Diabetes Drugs May Be Linked to Heart Failure Risk)