3、香港人寿命赶超日本 五个生活习惯助长寿
7、"小龙虾月饼"成"网红" 黄牛价一盒炒到300多元
8、9 大类降糖药:降糖、心血管安全、低血糖风险孰优孰劣?
1、知性 | 科学解密男女性高潮真相
1、绿色的、发芽的……这样的马铃薯千万不要吃(Why you really SHOULDN'T eat green potatoes: Chemical found in the sprouting spuds can cause cramping, sickness and dizziness)
2、阅读竟可延长寿命(The secret to a long life? Reading a good book: Those who enjoy novels 'live for 2 years longer')
3、豆浆有助于女性朋友预防多囊卵巢综合征(How soy milk could help women with polycystic ovaries: Drink helps balance hormones and 'protects against heart disease and diabetes')
4、女性停服避孕药会导致维生素D水平骤降(Vitamin D plummets when women stop taking the Pill: Lower oestrogen levels cause it to fall by 20%)
5、英调查:10%的熊孩子认为萝卜长在树上……(One in ten children believe parsnips grow on trees, pears only grow in pairs and ham doesn't come from pigs)
6、大麻?酒精?哪个更乱性?(Is drunk sex WORSE than high sex? Alcohol 'leads to more regret than weed - which actually RAISES your standards - but both cause sexual dysfunction')
7、皮质醇毁了你的减肥计划?(Is Too Much Cortisol Ruining Your Weight-Loss Efforts?)
8、US News 推荐38种最佳膳食(The 38 Best Diets Overall)