2、5 类便秘新药:便秘不再只有泻药
3、中国首个国家基因库开始运营 里面都有啥
5、每40秒就有一个自杀身亡者 世卫组织:自杀可以避免
7、可爱猫咪竟是“隐形杀手” 舔舐抓咬或将危及生命
8、193个联合国成员国缔约 合作扫除耐药性超级细菌
1、孤独是印在DNA上的?(Is loneliness in your DNA? Study reveals some people are 'genetically programmed to get depressed when they feel neglected')
2、疼痛让你夜不能寐?不要想他 因为失眠会加重症状(Does pain keep YOU up at night? Stop thinking about it: Having discomfort on your mind 'causes insomnia and makes symptoms worse')
3、近亲繁殖未必是坏事?(Why inbreeding is NOT always bad, genetics reporter explains)
4、克罗恩病?糟糕的肠道疾病是由真菌引起的?(Do YOU have Crohn's disease? The agonising bowel condition could be caused by a fungus in your intestines)
5、压力可降低女性的生育能力?(Can Stress Lower a Woman's Fertility?)
6、肥胖儿童肠道内环境不同于别人(Obese Kids Have Different Germs in Their Gut)
7、酗酒者体内缺乏一种关键的酶(Alcoholics May Lack Key Enzyme)
8、美疾控中心:猫抓伤可致严重疾病(Cat Scratch Can Sometimes Lead to Serious Illness: CDC)