
2、13 种常见儿童致聋药物
3、日科学家称已婚人士更少肥胖 而单身者更难瘦身成功
4、美国卫生局叫停华人吃蟹黄 因为其可能致癌?


1、黄的、蓝的、红的…… 为啥药片喜欢穿着花衣裳
2、甲醛危害大 你又了解多少?


1、酗酒会对老年人大脑造成严重危害(Heavy Drinking Can Harm the Aging Brain)
2、孕期吃鱼、鸡肉和蘑菇可降低孩子患湿疹风险(Want to stop YOUR child from getting eczema? Eating fish, chicken and mushrooms during pregnancy 'reduces the risk by a third')
3、垂死之人会在最后几小时用力保持意志清醒(How dying patients keep themselves alive in their final hours using sheer WILLPOWER until the time is 'right')
4、为何吸毒比吸烟更易上瘾?(Why snorting drugs is more addictive than smoking - and occasional users obsessively crave just tiny amounts)
5、专家:有严重痛经女性 应该享受每月3天的带薪假期(Women hit by period pain should get three days of paid leave every month, says expert)
6、对运动也会过敏?(Are You Allergic to Exercise?)
7、随着年龄的增长 新陈代新在不断的减慢(How Much Does Your Metabolism Really Slow Over the Years?)
8、尼古丁可以延缓大脑衰老?(Can nicotine protect the aging brain?)