1、江苏医改:两成专家号 留在社区挂
3、感动!医生坐地开医嘱 照片刷爆朋友圈
5、反对器官贩卖 黄洁夫拿出“中国方案”
6、老人住院1年多无人照顾 曾有9套房有4个儿女
1、自闭症多发于男性系大脑差异所致(Brain Differences Hint at Why Autism Is More Common in Males)
2、儿童教育需警惕 过于严厉小心适得其反(Harsh Parenting Can Backfire With Bad Behavior From Teens)
3、电子烟液体中含有致癌重金属(Toxic Metals Found in E-Cigarette Liquid)
4、动脉钙化斑块是心脏病的危险信号(Calcium Buildup in Young Arteries May Signal Heart Attack Risk)
5、经常上夜班影响女性的生育能力?(Could Night Shifts, Heavy Lifting Impair a Woman's Fertility?)
6、夫妻争吵令你厌倦?锻炼或许对你有帮助(Sick of arguing with your other half? Hit the gym: Couples who burn 587 calories a day are less likely to fight)
7、煮饭时多加些水 可防止砷中毒(Are YOU using enough water to cook your rice? Expert warns that you could be at risk of arsenic poisoning if not...)
8、女孩过早进入青春期会增加中风风险(Why girls who start puberty before the age of 13 are TWICE as likely to suffer from a stroke later in life)