2、北京一医院凌晨遭打砸 院长跳窗逃跑
3、精神病人散步时跳楼身亡 医院被判赔3万元
4、县级困难群众住院 可先诊疗后付费
5、同仁堂回应“一年六上黑榜” 称涉及产品与上市公司无关
1、有心脏缺陷的孩子常会出现学习问题(Learning Issues Common in Kids With Heart Defects: Study)
2、运动对乳腺癌幸存者大有帮助(Exercise a Powerful Ally for Breast Cancer Survivors)
3、焦虑、负面情绪与心脏病有密切联系(Heart Disease Linked to Anxiety, Negative Feelings)
4、饮酒、体重增加会增加乳腺癌的风险(Boozing, weight gain and failing to exercise INCREASES the risk of breast cancer returning, experts say)
5、孕妇应避免摄食软奶酪 细菌会增加流产风险(Why pregnant women really should avoid soft cheese: Bacteria found in some foods can increase the risk of miscarriage by invading the placenta)
6、老年人说话絮絮叨叨可能是老年痴呆的早期症状(Why people who speak in a long-winded way could be showing the early signs of Alzheimer's )
7、六种食物可让肠道更健康(The six foods guaranteed to overhaul your gut health, make you thinner AND younger - including trendy kefir drinks and miso soup)
8、电脑前坐一天浑身酸疼?食物或可缓解(Revealed: The foods that can banish the aches and pains you get from sitting at a desk all day (including red cabbage and trendy chia seeds))