2、The scientist:2014年度十大论文撤稿事件
3、全基因组测序可识别癌症相关变异 有望改善癌症预防与诊断
5、体坛明星频患睾丸癌 其发病是否与运动有关
1、英国成欧洲第二大肥胖国家(The second fattest country in Europe: NHS chief declares war on waistlines as it's revealed Britain is only behind Hungary in league table)
2、节假日饮酒 当心隐形眼镜会导致眼部感染(How carelessness could leave you blind: Medics warn getting drunk and leaving in contact lenses leads to eye infections - and there are more cases over the holidays)
3、家庭暴力影响女性激素水平(The hormone that could reveal if a woman is being ABUSED: Researchers find those in aggressive relationships have higher levels of cortisol through the day)
4、智能手机正在改变我们的大脑构造(Are smartphones changing the shape of our BRAINS? Area that controls the thumbs is larger in people who use touchscreens daily)
5、常饮红酒可延年益寿(How a couple of glasses of red could help you live longer: Substance found in grapes can protect against age-related diseases)
6、联邦政府拨款4300万美元加速埃博拉疫苗研究(Feds Give $43 Million To Fast Track Development Of Ebola Vaccines)
7、科学家向抗衰老药物迈出第一步(Researchers Take 'First Baby Step' Toward Anti-Aging Drug)
8、乳腺癌化疗可能引发白血病风险(Breast Cancer Chemo Tied to Small But Significant Leukemia Risk)