
3、Arch Sexual Beh:面对出轨,男女态度各不同
6、柬埔寨暴发艾滋病疫情 反复使用注射器传染212人
7、我国医疗费用占GDP5.2% 美国16%


1、WHO:两款埃博拉疫苗或许是安全的(Two Ebola Vaccines Seem Safe: WHO)
2、口腔人乳头状瘤病毒感染对老年人伤害更持久(Oral HPV Infection Lasts Longer in Older Men)
3、你的睡衣多久洗一次?(How long do YOU wear your pyjamas before washing them?)
4、单独和啤酒不会使你发胖 有利于心脏和骨骼(A good reason to go for a pint tonight: Beer alone WON'T make you gain weight and can even protect your heart and bones)
5、科学家发现乳腺癌的触发原因(Hope for breast cancer patients as scientists discover what triggers aggressive form of the disease)
6、图表揭示缓解感冒症状药物的化学成分(Why decongestants stop you getting snotty: Infographic reveals the chemistry of the popular remedies relieve cold symptoms)
7、男孩实行割礼易致其患上孤独症和多动症(Circumcised boys may be more likely to develop autism and ADHD by the age of 10, study claims)
8、女性避孕注射感染艾滋病的风险更大(Women on the contraceptive jab have a greater risk of contracting HIV than those using other forms of birth control or NONE at all)