
3、JAMA Neurol:神经变性疾病个体或经常发生犯罪行为
4、Exp Hematol:研究发现白血病新的治疗靶点
5、研究:双语教育开发脑力 减缓脑力衰退


1、超过1/10患者因服用阿司匹林不当患上中风(More than one in 10 patients are taking aspirin 'inappropriately' increasing their risk of suffering a stroke, experts warn)
2、2030年全球糖尿病发病率可能会翻倍(Diabetes Rates May Double Worldwide by 2030)
3、50天坚持10种饮食减肥法 英男子脱胎换骨(Special K, raw food, cabbage soup... The man who did 10 diets in 50 days and found one that really worked)
4、基因突变或致黑人患结肠癌高发(Gene Mutations and Colon Cancer in Black Patients)
5、种族影响乳腺癌生存率(Race, Ethnicity May Affect Breast Cancer Survival)
6、新一代通用电气扫描仪 真实还原可怕的人体高清图(Brains, veins and bones as you've never seen them: Scanner reveals gruesome, high-definition images of the human body)
7、代谢综合征风险因子和子宫癌之间也有联系?(Heart Risk Factors Tied to Uterine Cancer Risk)
8、冷冻面具:让拔牙不再痛苦(Chilled face mask can end pain of tooth extraction: Plastic mask is being used by dentists to reduce pain and swelling)