
2、Cell metabolism:如果你正在用转基因鼠来研究糖尿病,你可能有麻烦了!
3、2013/2014年 国内获批新药大看点
8、多种疾病可引起鼻出血 专家:应到医院查病因


1、研究:干细胞技术可治疗多发性硬化症(Early Study: Stem Cells May Reverse MS Disability)
2、肺炎可增加患心脏病的风险(Pneumonia Raises Heart Disease Risk for Years)
3、咖啡有助于预防黑色素瘤?(Can Coffee Protect You From Melanoma?)
4、丈夫陪产 妻子分娩的痛苦有增无减(Why men need to stay out of the delivery room: Women who have their partners with them during childbirth experience MORE pain)
5、注意脚部保暖可以预防感冒(Chilly feet CAN increase the risk of catching colds and flu, leading expert warns)
6、男女大脑不同 女性对情感类图片的记忆更深刻(Male and female brains really ARE wired differently: Study finds women are far more affected by emotional images)
7、几个让你更加年轻的健身技巧(Want to feel younger? Watch the weather forecast on tiptoes: And other fitness tips so easy there's no excuse not to try them)
8、FDA批准治疗牛皮癣新药(New Drug Vastly Improves (And Even Cures) Psoriasis)