8、7岁女童患甲状腺癌 甲状腺癌恶性比例近年提升
1、了解你自己:每人每年产生的尿液 足够装满两个浴缸(What will YOUR body do this year? Graphic reveals we'll each produce enough urine to fill two bathtubs and shed half a stone of skin)
2、还戒不掉烟瘾?来参观下吸烟者的黑肺吧(The gruesome footage of a smoker's blackened lungs that SHOULD stop you from lighting up again)
3、医生也会忽视的严重问题:越来越多的人被误诊为肠易激综合征(Why were we ALL misdiagnosed? As more and more of us are told we have IBS, how doctors may be missing problems that are even WORSE)
4、睡前喝果汁等 揭秘8个最坏的习惯(Eating lunch at your desk, drinking wine before bedtime and sipping fruit juice: The eight worst eating habits revealed)
5、含糖饮料会使女孩子青春期提前(Sugary drinks 'can bring on a girl's periods earlier': Youngsters who drink more than one a day begin puberty at younger age)
6、老年乳腺癌患者不需要放疗(Older breast cancer patients 'may not need radiotherapy': Carefully selecting those at low risk of recurrence could avoid risks and side effects of treatment)
7、视频:年轻人和结肠癌(Young Adults and Colon Cancer)
8、美国成人肥胖率增加(US Adult Obesity Rate Rises Again)