2、处方药网售政策定稿 首批放开约200余种
4、北京:男子铁链锁身赖医院病床近3年 被强执抬走
7、呵欠具有“传染性” 打呵欠更易传染亲友
1、研究发现更多与肥胖有关的基因(Studies Find More Genetic Links to Obesity)
2、埃博拉药物在猴子试验中显示成效(Ebola Drug Shows Promise in Monkey Trial)
3、报告:适度饮酒的好处被夸大了(Benefits of Moderate Drinking Overblown: Report)
4、研究人员称需重新考虑食物中胆固醇风险(U.S. Advisers Rethink Cholesterol Risk From Foods)
5、超市打折 消费者更容易买不健康食品(Why your eye for a bargain could be making you FAT: Shoppers really are more likely to select unhealthy food when it's discounted)
6、没有所谓的“大骨架” 父母的生活方式而不是基因导致孩子肥胖(There really IS no such thing as being 'big boned': Parents' lifestyle, rather than genes, causes children to become overweight, study finds)
7、慢性疲劳不可小视 是一个很严重的疾病(Chronic fatigue IS 'a real and serious disease': Doctors draw up new guidelines on how to diagnose the condition)
8、吸食大麻会导致狂躁行为:多动、侵略、错觉(Smoking cannabis can lead to manic behaviour: Hyperactivity, aggression and delusion are all strongly linked with the drug, researchers warn)